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Service Fee

Why choose us? we are one of the cheapest taobao agent with excellent service from 2009.

6% service fee if you pay by Western Union or Bank transfer.

Taobaotrends Service Fee: 10% of order value without paypal fee or other fees.

Exchange Rate: 1CNY=0.158USD

Example URL: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=523887592538

Question: Is our service fee 10% cheaper than others 8%?

      Answer: Yes!!!

Exampe 1: The order value plus domestic shipping fee is CNY1000


Other agent (8%):      USD187.57=CNY1000*(1+8%)*0.167*(1+4%)

                                 (They have high exchange rate 1CNY=0.167USD, 4% additonal fees if you pay by paypal)

Question: Is our service fee 10% cheaper than others 6%?

      Answer: Yes!!!

Exampe 2: The order value plus domestic shipping fee is CNY1000


Other agent (6%):      USD190.06=CNY1000*(1+6%)/5.8*(1+4%)

                                 (They have high exchange rate 1USD=5.8CNY, 4% additonal fees if you pay by paypal)

Question: Is our service fee 10% cheaper than others 5%?

      Answer: Yes!!!

Exampe 3: The order value plus domestic shipping fee is CNY1000


Other agent (5%):      USD179.77=USD164.63*(1+5%)*(1+4%)

                                 (Auto exchange rate higher than taobaotrends, 4% additonal fees if you pay by paypal)



Exchange Rate

When you buy the items though an agent, you can compare the exchange rate first, many of them have higher exchange rate, which will bring more extra cost even if they claim low service fee as low as 5%.

Domestic shipping fee

Many sellers at taobao.com offer free shipping in China, but some agents also charge domestic shipping fee, for example, if you buy items from different taobao sellers which offer free shipping, you need to pay CNY75=CNY15*5

Preview photo fees or warehouse fees.

Some agents will charge preview photo fees per item, which will cause many hiden fees.

Taobaotrends doesn't have any hidden fees, you will see it with self-explanation when you submit the items to our user friendly, powerful shopping cart.

We're one of the best taobao agent and freight forwarder providing quality service with lowest service fee and cheapest shipping fee, we can help you buy from taobao.com, 1688.com and other Chinese ecommence site.


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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