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Order Status

What is order status?

If the customer creates an order successfully, each order have a order status, we highly rely on the order status to process the orders.

Please feel free to contact us if you encounter the below two situations to avoid any delays:

1. You pay the order but order status doesn't change to "Processing".
2. You pay the shipping fee but the order status doesn't change to "paid"
when the order is placed, the default order status is "pending", if you submit other items as an order, the items will be automatically add to the same order number. if the order status is "pending"
We will confirm the order if the items are availabe and acceptable, the payment button will be activated when we confirmed the order.
The order status will be automatically changed to "processing" status if you pay the order at our site, we will change the order status to "processing" if you pay the order by other means.
The order status will be changed to "ordered" if we order them items successfully, normally, it will take 1-2 days to order the products after we receive the payment.
If we receive all the items in your order, we will take the pictures and send them to you for your reference, the order status will be changed to "received" accordingly.
If the shipping fee has been in the site, the order status will be automatically change to "paid", we will change the order status to "paid" manually if you pay the shipping by other means.
We will ship the parcel in 1-2days if we receive the shipping fee for your orders.The order status will be changed to "shipped" if we ship the order, and we will let you know the tracking no. by email and you also can see the tracking no. at the bottom of your order number or parcel number.
If you don't want to proceed the order or If the items are out of stock or we can not accept your products, we will change the order status to "cancelled"

We're one of the best taobao agent and freight forwarder providing quality service with lowest service fee and cheapest shipping fee, we can help you buy from taobao.com, 1688.com and other Chinese ecommence site.


Email: admin@taobaotrends.com


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